The quest for the spacious wheel can be quite daunting when you are new to yoga.

I remember when I was new to yoga.  I would already dread the expected wheel (urdha dhanurasana) towards the end of class.  My hands would start sweating just thinking about it.  As soon as I hear the teacher say, ‘come onto your back, set up for bridge pose’; my whole body would tense up.  I would force my body and my back used to pain so much.  It felt horrible.

Coming down I would quickly look to see if anybody noticed my pathetic attempt.  I hated backbends so much!  I was never flexible in my back and all the hours I spend in front of my computer certainly doesn’t help!

It took me years before I started falling in love with backbends.  Especially the notorious urdhva dhanurasana, which actually means upward facing bow pose.  I like calling it wheel.  It symbolises that there is no end or beginning to this pose.  It continues forever and there will never be a destination.  Forever caught in a loop of impossible possibilities.

Wheel is now one of my favourite postures and I believe I found the nectar to this sweet yoga posture!

Rule number 1:  Breathe!  As deep down as you can.

2:  Remember the earth is your friend, stand strong!

3:  Daily practice will lead to progress.  Don’t force it.

4:  Keep practicing

5:  And continue practicing

6:  Again and again…


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